For tourists from overseas
This is how we worship.
Before entering the shrine, you perform ritual ablutions.
You can light a candle like in a church.
Give an small offering.
Throw change in the offering box.
Ring the bell
Bow twice.
Clap your hands.
Put your hands together and pray and bow again before you leave.
You will thankfull your health and peacefull life.
Japanese people love lucky charms. They are like crosses of Christianity. Some people spend their days with lucky charms, hoping to be with Ganriki-san. Other people use them with a pray for get well any disease of the eye,
given the foresight,meeting a good mate, passing a high school and a university.
You need to do things effectively and speedy when you have many things to do. A day, a week, even a year seem to pass by like a flash. I think you have "a time of your life", which is different from that of your work and daily things.
It is a time which passes so slowly that you can look at yourself.You also have it when you see flowers and think they are beautiful, or you hear birds singing. We need a relaxing time to face our anxiety and to think quietly.
We need to have a quiet time to get over our grief and to live our life.
"A time of your life" passes so slowly in shrines. Please feel a quiet and slow "time of your life".